I hope you all had a great Christmas and saw 2020 in with lots of good things to eat and drink.
If, like me, you ate more than you probably should have, you might feel in need of a little tummy physiotherapy, so over the next few weeks, I'll be posting a few lighter recipes to help you get back on the straight and narrow.
The recipe featured here is Ochazuke with salmon. Ochazuke in Japanese simply means a dish that involves pouring water, dashi stock or green tea (which is where the name arises) over a bowl of rice.
Usually, the dish is then embellished with some toppings. In my recipe, I used a dashi stock and topped the bowl off with salmon, nori, spring onion, rocket & sesame seeds. I only added a little seasoning, so the taste of this dish is quite subtle but I think you'll like it.
Ochazuke is often used in Japan when you are feeling a little poorly as it is very easy to digest. So after all that Christmas cheer, it's just what your tummy was waiting for!
If you want to try your hand at this recipe, you can find the Youtube tutorial by clicking Salmon Ochazuke or scroll to the bottom of the page. The written recipe is just below.
Happy cooking in 2020! Kurumi XXXX.
For another Ochazuke recipe, why not try my Ochazuke with Tuna recipe?
Ochazuke with Salmon
(makes 2 servings)
1 spring onion
a handful of rocket
1/2 nori sheet
250g salmon
1/2 tsp salt
400ml boiling water
1 heaped tsp of japanese dashi granules
500g cooked rice (wet weight)
2 tsp toasted white sesame seeds
a little wasabi
how to:
rinse & finely slice the spring onion
rinse & roughly cut the rocket
halve the nori sheet and then halve twice more, then shred using scissors
saute the salmon in a frying pan with a little salt for 3 mins
turn over and sprinkle over the rest of the salt & cook for a further 3 mins
remove the skin from the salmon in a bowl and break them into small pieces
pour the dashi granules into the boiling water in a jug & stir until the granules have dissolved
to assemble, place 1/2 the rice in each bowl, scatter 1/2 the flaked salmon over the rice, sprinkle over the sesame seeds, spring onion & shredded nori, then add a little ball of wasabi & top with 1/2 the rocket
finally pour 1/2 of the dashi stock into the bowl
repeat for the second bowl before serving immediately