Hi, I'm Kurumi Hayter and this is my virtual cooking space where you can find out about how to cook delicious Japanese, Asian and Fusion foods in your home. I'm Japanese but I have lived in London for the last 30 thirty years. I love everything about food - growing it, buying it, making it and (especially) eating it. I'm even named after a food - Kurumi means walnut in Japanese! Maybe my mum had a premonition about me when I was in her tummy. Anyway, as well as loving food, I'm a firm believer in keeping things simple, so I hope you'll find it easy to find your way around the site. My blog is mostly about food recipes with the occasional item on what I hope you will think are interesting Japanese food linked subjects. The main section of the site is the Recipes where you can browse lots of good things to eat. There is also a small Shop section where you can click through to buy quality japanese kitchen items. You won't find any sections about cute pets (although I have 2 adorable but uncooperative cats) or cherubic children (although I do have 2 not-so-cherubic- anymore sons) but you will find easy to prepare, delicious food for your table. I publish a new recipe every week so there is always something new for you to cook.
I hope you enjoy it! Kurumi XXXX.
Back in the days before the internet (and children) I published a number of cookbooks. Since my kids have grown and flown the nest, I've returned to putting my love for cooking in print - only now with a website! Amazingly, you can still find my books in print even after 20+ years - I guess good, healthy, tasty food just doesn't go out of fashion! If you're interested, you can see the books below.

Japanese Cooking for Two
This was my first published cookbook in the UK. Japanese Cooking for Two was first published by Apple Press in 1996. Japanese food wasn't anywhere near as popular then as it is now - you could count the number of Japanese restaurants in London on the fingers of your hands - how times have changed. But the book sold well and went into several edition and four languages. It still sells today and sits at #9 in the all time Japanese cookbook bestsellers list!

English Home Cooking
This was my first ever published cookbook. English Home Cooking published by Graph Publishing in 1993. I was already living in London so everything was a little slow - the photo negatives (remember negatives!) had to be airmailed to Japan to the publisher! The book was reprinted twice but sadly the publisher went out of business. I still get contacted by people who bought the book years ago!

The Noodle Cookbook
This was my third UK cookbook published in 1999. I'm glad to say that noodle eating has gone from strength to strength!

Healthy Noodles
This was my second cookbook published in the UK by Quartet Books in 1996. I was pregnant with my first son at the time and I remember having terrible morning sickness when I was practising the recipes! Noodles are now ubiquitous and this book still sells all over the world!

The Soy for Health Cookbook
This was my fourth cookbook published in the UK by Quartet Books in 1999. I was pregnant with our second son at the time and found it hard work balancing taking care of our first son and writing and producing at the same time. When our seond son was born, I put my writing on the back burner to raise my children. The book is still in print even after 20 years!