If you've been following my blog, (and I hope you have!) you'll remember that I have been growing

some Japanese salad veg this summer. In fact, it's been a bumper harvest and my shiso and mizuna just keep on giving! So here's a healthy salad using these two lovely leaves and some other veg topped off with some edamame - it's quick, nutricious and just the thing for a warm summer evening when you want something easy and light on your tummy. The recipe is just below . If you'd like to watch the youtube tutorial, you can find it by clicking Shiso and Mizuna salad or just scroll to the bottom of the page.
Shiso and Mizuna salad.
ingredients: (serves 2)
20g shiso leaves
20g mizuna leaves
140g baby tomatoes
100g mushrooms
50g frozen eda mame
how to: wash the leaves well and cut or tear them roughly, cut the mushrooms into halves or quarters depending on the size, cook the eda mame in salted water for 3 mins and drain. assemble the ingredients in a salad bowl and mix. drizzle with a vinaigrette or other salad dressing. (if you can't find mizuna, you can try rocket as a substitute although it is more strongly flavoured.)
stuck for a dressing? why not try my original sesame dressing below - this is a simple way to a great umami flavour - i guarantee you will love it!

2 tbsps tahini
2 tbsps mayonnaise
1 tsp soy sauce
1/2 tbsp sugar
1.5 tbsps rice vinegar
1 tsp fish sauce
1 tbsp water
how to: put all the ingredients in a jar or bowl and mix/whisk well. refridgerate any leftovers for up to 1 week (but it won't last that long!).
Happy cooking and thanks for reading, Kurumi XXXX