I don't think there is an easier way to get into making your own sushi than this recipe. You don't need to know how to fillet fish or roll sushi. You don't have to buy your fish from a Japanese specialist (the salmon is cooked not eaten raw.) Best of all you need no special utensils and the only thing you might need to invest in is a bottle of sushi vinegar. Yes, it really is that simple.
Even better, this dish provides all your 5-a-day vegetables plus some omega-5 rich salmon. You get all the taste of "proper" sushi but with zero know how and very little effort. And, as you probably know, the Japanese think any good dish should be a visual feast as well (to get those taste buds up and running) - so you get some reds, yellows, greens and pinks.
Sound good? Okay, let's get started! Oh, I forgot about the taste. Well, I'll leave you to be the judge of that but there are never any leftovers when this is put on my dinner table, so I think you can rest assured you're going to like this.
Have I got your taste buds working already? If so, you can find the Youtube tutorial by clicking Easy Salmon Maze Sushi or by scrolling to the bottom of the page. The written recipe is just below.
Happy cooking! Kurumi XXXX.
(makes 2/3 servings)
2 cups (300g / 10oz) Japanese rice
4 tbsp sushi vinegar
1/2 cucumber
1/2 tsp salt
6 baby tomatoes
a handful of rocket/ruccola, rinsed
1 avocado
100g/3.5oz frozen sweetcorn
1 tsp vegetable oil
2 fillets of salmon
some soy sauce & a little wasabi
how to:
rinse your Japanese rice two or three times, until the water becomes almost clear. then cook in either a rice cooker or a large saucepan
while the rice is cooking, prepare the vegetables and salmon
cut the cucumber into quarters lengthways. then carefully slice out the seeds from the center. (this will stop your rice getting soggy.) next, finely slice the cucumber. put the pieces in a bowl. sprinkle with the salt and leave to stand for 10 - 15 minutes
halve the baby tomatoes and set aside
chop the rocket roughly for your topping and set that aside too
halve the avocado, remove the stone and peel. cut each half of the avocado into 5-6 slices, then cross cut into bite sized pieces
bring about 4 cm / 2 in of water to the boil in a small pan. add the sweetcorn and cook for 4 minutes before draining
heat 1 tsp of vegetable oil in a small frying pan. fry the salmon fillets skin side down for 4 - 5 minutes with the lid on. turn over and fry for another 4 minutes or until cooked well, keeping the lid on
when done, remove the salmon to a plate
spoon out your cooked rice into a large mixing bowl. add the sushi vinegar a little at a time, mixing gently between each tbsp of vinegar
now, back to the salmon. break up the flesh into small pieces using a spoon or a fork. remove the salmon skin as you won't need this for the recipe. (personally, my goes out for the local fox - he loves it!)
next, return to the salted cucumber. give the cucumber pieces a good squeeze in your hand a few times to remove as much of the water content as you can. after this, transfer each handful into another bowl. discard the leftover liquid
now to assemble your dish. add the sweetcorn, the cucumber, the avocado and the salmon flakes to the rice, stirring everything together gently with a spoon
pile your Salmon Maze Zushi onto a serving plate. arrange the baby tomatoes around the rim and sprinkle the chopped rocket / ruccola over the top of the dish. just before eating drizzle with some soy sauce mixed with wasabi